Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday Citar-success keys Poster

I have made this beautiful poster to remind us of the success keys quoting Eddie Robinson

"The will to win,
the desire to succeed,
the urge to reach
your full potential...
these are the keys
that will unlock the door to
personal excellence."

This will be a great reminder to all who want to succeed.
Having a poster of the values we want to develop is a great way to guide us in that path .Whenever we see the poster the thought gets reinforced in our minds.I designed this poster yesterday and put it for sale @ REFLECTIONS ,my store @zazzle.I am happy to share it with all for sunday citar.


  1. This is awesome Sema!

  2. Great poster Sema! The quote is really motivating to me.

  3. Thanks for sharing!! It is such a good reminder and a beautiful poster.


  4. We can all use reminders to focus on our own excellence--to believe that we have it and are capable of it. Then intend it, reach for it. Our excellence not only benefits ourselves, but enhances the lives of others. You are excellence incarnate, Sema!


Missing Images At AffirmArt

"Due to unforeseeable circumstances , the pictures which were in picasa drives were deleted.

I am in the process of updating the whole site.

If you see something missing, come back in a few days to experience "AffirmArt" in its fullest.

Again sorry for the inconvenience"