Monday, October 1, 2012

Positive Affirmation for Today - Express Yourself

My Positive Affirmation for Today -"I talk in a pleasing tone" 

The way you express yourself is important .Your tone gives the character to your words.

The emotion behind the words is remembered long after the words. The feeling lingers in memory and makes one feel loved or not important.

Anything put forward in a pleasing manner will get listened to. Take a pause before you express your thoughts.

Clarify the message you want to convey and choose your words with care. Put them forward in a pleasant tone and all is well!

So, today I will take efforts to think before I talk and always use a pleasing tone.

Blessings for Abundance,


  1. So true. My husband is always telling me, "It's not so much what you say. It's more how you say it." I've learned that when I'm upset, it's probably going to come out in my tone whether I want it to or not. I'm just now starting to realize that sometimes I need to cool off a bit before I can address the problem in a reasonable tone of voice.

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.Your husband's words are so true and I hear this from my husband too when I am curt.

  3. So glad I stumbled upon your blog :) I'll be back!


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