Sunday, November 1, 2009

sunday citar-golden sunset

(Golden sunset is a digital painting done by me and
is available as mini artworks ,as postcards at

How fine has the day been! how bright was the sun, How lovely and joyful the course that he run! Though he rose in a mist when his race he begun, And there followed some droppings of rain: But now the fair traveller’s come to the west, His rays are all gold, and his beauties are best; He paints the skies gay as he sinks to his rest, And foretells a bright rising again. ~ Isaac Watts,

“Every time you wake up and ask yourself, “What good things am I going to do today?”, remember that when the sun goes down at sunset, it will take a part of your life with it.” ~ “Indian Proverb”

I am happy to share these quotations for this week's sunday citar


  1. Sema,
    Lovely creation. And the second quote is the actual thought I DO have upon waking on most days. What good, fun, creative things will I be able to do today? It does make gray mornings more palatable., and we have had a record number of those these days in the midwest US.:-)
    May the Muse continue to guide you today!

  2. I'm interested in how digital painting works. It has a unique look.

  3. I love the Indian Proverb! It's so true.


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