Sunday, June 7, 2009

Blessings for Abundance

By sending my wishes to the universe through my full strawberry moon dreamboard I invite abundance into my life.

I see positive changes happening in my life.
I see well planned and spectacular growth in all aspects of our life.
I see new opportunities to increase my income open up for me.
I see myself living in a wonderful home filled with all my needs and desires.
I see myself nurturing my body,mind and soul.
I see myself blessed and loved.

My blessings for abundance to all


  1. Strong images! May abundance flow into your life with ease.

  2. A beautiful Dreamboard

    What Sema wishes I wish for her also.

  3. Wonderfully worded Sema.
    I pray all of your wishes and needs be met with love and care.

  4. Welcome to full moon dreamboards, Sema! I'm so glad you've participated.

    There's such great energy in your board and I love how you've accompanied it with powerful affirmations! May your dreams come true under this full strawberry moon!

  5. Beautiful image and blessing - thank-you!

  6. And, as I sit and watch the very same moon, even though you and I are miles apart, my wish that you have all these things, reaches out to touch you...

  7. Awesomely abundant dreamboard! May its abundance blanket you with all your wishes! :)


Missing Images At AffirmArt

"Due to unforeseeable circumstances , the pictures which were in picasa drives were deleted.

I am in the process of updating the whole site.

If you see something missing, come back in a few days to experience "AffirmArt" in its fullest.

Again sorry for the inconvenience"