Saturday, May 23, 2009

from my digi sketchbook... Trees

I love drawing Trees and here are 3 paintings done in  corel photo paint using the mouse as my brush!


  1. These are so lovely, it's hard for me to believe they were done in the way you said. I am so not a techn-person, so am in awe when someone like yourself can create such beauty in this way. I'd proudly frame any of these because I do adore trees. Especially weeping willows...

  2. Oh these are stunning!! With you computer - I soooo wanna learn to do this!! I do love drawing trees. Beautiful job! Sarah

  3. Wow...I'm lucky if I can find my way to my blog page on the computer...Nice job!

  4. Thank you Jan,Sarah and Holly for your words of encouragement!


Missing Images At AffirmArt

"Due to unforeseeable circumstances , the pictures which were in picasa drives were deleted.

I am in the process of updating the whole site.

If you see something missing, come back in a few days to experience "AffirmArt" in its fullest.

Again sorry for the inconvenience"