Sunday, January 24, 2010

Motivational Teacher Quotes

Motivational Teacher Quotes are great not only for teachers and educators but for each one of us as we are all the first teachers to our children.

I am happy to share a few Motivational teaching quotes with sunday citar friends.

I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and that they are as few as there are any other great artists. Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit.
~John Steinbeck

“Teaching is the greatest act of optimism”
~Colleen Wilcox

Be a wonderful role model because you will be the window through which many children will see their future
~Thomas Mckinnon

We must view young people not as empty bottles to be filled, but as candles to be lit.
~Robert H. Shaffer

The influence of each human being on others in this life is a kind of immortality.
~John Quincy Adams

Great Quotes for Great Educators is filled with Over 600 insightful, witty nuggets to motivate and inspire you..... and everyone else at your school.

Why is this book unique?
- includes over 100 original quotes from internationally acclaimed speaker and educator Todd Whitaker
- features real quotes from real students which echo wit and wisdom for educators
- each quote has a direct connection to your life as an educator

"Inspirational, motivating and stimulating" are some of the accolades communicated by the many that have previewed and purchased this book. Dedicated to teachers around the world, this book ,
I Am a Teacher, Motivational Quotes for Teachers: Motivational Quotes for Teachers,has many beautiful quotes about teaching and magnificent photographs.

The author,John F. Podojil , is a teacher and has a passion about teaching and you will be too after reading this new book. This book will strengthen and renew your enthusiam for the nobelest profession of all "Sharing your knowledge".


  1. I love the quote about relating them to candles instead of bottles! So good to remember. Great teachers are truly a joy to the world! : )


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