Monday, April 20, 2009

mandala mantra-I listen with care

My mantra this week is ..

I listen with care

Holly inspired me in a beautiful post on the magic of listening to think of this affirmation to repeat to myself to remind myself of the importance of listening.
Listening helps you connect with oneself and to others.
Listening to your self by spending some time in silence, in meditation connects you to your inner soul, to guide you on the right track.
Listening to others makes you aware of others feelings and to give your support without being judgemental.
Listening will help you create a bond with all to enrich your life.
so, let's begin to listen with care!

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  1. My Dear Sema!
    This is really beautiful and I'm quite honored that my words would inspire your artistic beauty! I'm going to connect this to my blog entry today...and I'm wondering, might I put the mandala on my sidebar as artwork? I'd be happy to see it there every day!

  2. Hi Sema

    great mandala and affirmation - what are you using to create your mandalas - is it pattern pie?

  3. I so agree Sema!! I often sit quietly in hopes of hearing what The Father has to say to my heart. Lovely Mantra!!

  4. Sema,
    True Listening is inded a gift to the one being listened to...including listening to ourselves! This mandala mantra captures that beautifully. :) Cheryl

  5. thanks to all for your comments.
    Holly, It's a honor to have my mandala featured in your blog.
    4ravens,i drew the design using corel photo-paint brushes.

  6. oh oh oh!!! sema!!! i am loving your mandala works!!! awesome!!! super mantra too, thank you so much for playing mantra monday with me again this week!!! yay yay yay!!!

    love to you

  7. Beautiful card for this week, Sema!

  8. Just the other day I was in the garden silently ...

    the silence
    of a spring day -
    and all these sounds

    listen with care ... always!

    Gabi from Japan

  9. Thank you for sharing this. I run girls groups for at risk middle schoolers. We always have these conversations about what it really means to listen and we are doing a mandala project. I can't wait to share this with them!

  10. beautiful image....beautiful words...inspired by such an incredible and beautiful person...


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