Monday, August 7, 2017

Notebooks With Quotes On The Cover

Notebooks with quotes on the cover are quick inspiration on hand. You will feel the energy of the quote passing to you whenever you take the notebook to use.

Fill them with positive and inspiring messages. Look through them whenever you feel your energy is dipping.

You have  Buddha quotes ,Rumi quotes and 3 word quotes in this selection of quote notebooks. Choose one today for an inspiring beginning.
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Sunday, June 4, 2017

Inspirational Affirmations-Possibilities Magnet

A great affirmation to begin the day with...

Inspirational Affirmations-Possibilities Magnet

"Each moment is filled with possibilities" is a great Inspirational Affirmation to remember when you are faced with difficult choices.

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Saturday, June 3, 2017

Success-Self affirmation statement Magnet

Attract wealth and success with today's affirmation.

Success-Self affirmation statement Magnet

I am a magnet for success and good fortune is a great Self affirmation statement.Self affirmation statements on magnets are great motivational tools.They inspire you when you see them often.They get i...

-- click/tap to personalize and buy --

posted using Nifty
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Missing Images At AffirmArt

"Due to unforeseeable circumstances , the pictures which were in picasa drives were deleted.

I am in the process of updating the whole site.

If you see something missing, come back in a few days to experience "AffirmArt" in its fullest.

Again sorry for the inconvenience"